Getting started

Checking Out The Codebase

The master code repository is available on Github:

For those unfamiliar with git, the wonderful part about it is that even though only a limited number people have write access to the master repository, anyone is free to create, and even check in, changes to their own local git repository. Your local changes will not automatically be pushed back to the master repository, so everyone feel free to informally play around with the codebase. Also - unlike svn - when you download the git repository you have a full copy of the project’s history (including revision history, logs, etc), so the majority of code changes you will make, including commits, do not require network server access.

The first step is to install git on your system. For those new to the world of git, GitHub has an excellent tutorial stepping you through the process, available at:

To check out a read-only version of the repository (no GitHub signup required):

git clone git:// ocio

For write-access, you must first register for a GitHub account (free). Then, you must create a local fork of the OpenColorIO repository by visiting and clicking the “Fork” icon. If you get hung up on this, further instructions on this process are available at

To check out a read-write version of the repository (GitHub acct required):

git clone$USER/OpenColorIO.git ocio

Initialized empty Git repository in /mcp/ocio/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 2220, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (952/952), done.
remote: Total 2220 (delta 1434), reused 1851 (delta 1168)
Receiving objects: 100% (2220/2220), 2.89 MiB | 2.29 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1434/1434), done.

Both read + read/write users should then add the Imageworks (SPI) master branch as a remote. This will allow you to more easily fetch updates as they become available:

cd ocio
git remote add upstream git://

Optionally, you may then add any additional users who have individual working forks (just as you’ve done). This will allow you to track, view, and potentially merge intermediate changes before they’re been pushed into the main trunk. (For really bleeding edge folks). For example, to add Jeremy Selan’s working fork:

git remote add js git://

You should then do a git fetch, and git merge (detailed below) to download the remote branches you’ve just added.

Reference Build Environment

To aid new developers to the project and provide a baseline standard, OCIO provides a reference build environment through Docker. Docker essentially is a container that consits of both a Linux distro and the dependencies needed to run a client application. This is typically used for deploying apps and services to servers, but we are using it to provide an isolated development environment to build and test OCIO with. With this environment you are guaranteed to be able to compile OCIO and run its non-GUI command line applications.

For more information on Docker, start here:

In order to run the Docker environment you will have to build it from the Dockerfile provided in the repo directory:


Run this command in order to build the Docker image (aprox. 20min):

docker build . -t ocio:centos7_gcc48 -f dockerfile_centos7_gcc48

You can then mount the current OCIO directory and compile using the Docker image with:

docker run --volume $PWD/../../:/src/ociosrc -t ocio:centos7_gcc48 bash -c 'mkdir /build && cd /build && cmake /src/ociosrc && make -j2`

Merging changes

More detailed guide coming soon, for now, see