Applications Helpers¶
- PyOpenColorIO.DisplayViewHelpers.GetProcessor(config: PyOpenColorIO.Config, context: PyOpenColorIO.Context = None, workingSpaceName: str, displayName: str, viewName: str, channelView: PyOpenColorIO.MatrixTransform = None, direction: PyOpenColorIO.TransformDirection = <TransformDirection.TRANSFORM_DIR_FORWARD: 0>) PyOpenColorIO.Processor ¶
Get the processor from the working color space to (display, view) pair (forward) or (display, view) pair to working (inverse). The working color space name could be a role name or a color space name. ChannelView can be empty. If not already present, each of these functions adds ExposureContrastTransforms to enable changing exposure, contrast, and gamma after the processor has been created using dynamic properties.
- PyOpenColorIO.DisplayViewHelpers.GetIdentityProcessor(config: PyOpenColorIO.Config) PyOpenColorIO.Processor ¶
Get an identity processor containing only the ExposureContrastTransforms.
- PyOpenColorIO.DisplayViewHelpers.AddDisplayView(config: PyOpenColorIO.Config, displayName: str, viewName: str, lookName: str = '', colorSpaceName: str = '', colorSpaceFamily: str = '', colorSpaceDescription: str = '', colorSpaceCategories: str = '', transformFilePath: str, connectionColorSpaceName: str) None ¶
Add a new (display, view) pair and the new color space to a configuration instance. The input to the userTransform must be in the specified connectionColorSpace.
- PyOpenColorIO.DisplayViewHelpers.RemoveDisplayView(config: PyOpenColorIO.Config, displayName: str, viewName: str) None ¶
Remove a (display, view) pair including the associated color space (only if not used). Note that the view is always removed but the display is only removed if empty.
namespace DisplayViewHelpers¶
ConstProcessorRcPtr GetProcessor(const ConstConfigRcPtr &config, const ConstContextRcPtr &context, const char *workingName, const char *displayName, const char *viewName, const ConstMatrixTransformRcPtr &channelView, TransformDirection direction)¶
Get the processor from the working color space to (display, view) pair (forward) or (display, view) pair to working (inverse). The working color space name could be a role name or a color space name. ChannelView can be empty. If not already present, each of these functions adds ExposureContrastTransforms to enable changing exposure, contrast, and gamma after the processor has been created using dynamic properties.
ConstProcessorRcPtr GetProcessor(const ConstConfigRcPtr &config, const char *workingName, const char *displayName, const char *viewName, const ConstMatrixTransformRcPtr &channelView, TransformDirection direction)¶
ConstProcessorRcPtr GetIdentityProcessor(const ConstConfigRcPtr &config)¶
Get an identity processor containing only the ExposureContrastTransforms.
void AddDisplayView(ConfigRcPtr &config, const char *displayName, const char *viewName, const char *lookDefinition, const char *colorSpaceName, const char *colorSpaceFamily, const char *colorSpaceDescription, const char *categories, const char *transformFilePath, const char *connectionColorSpaceName)¶
Add a new (display, view) pair and the new color space to a configuration instance. The input to the userTransform must be in the specified connectionColorSpace.
void RemoveDisplayView(ConfigRcPtr &config, const char *displayName, const char *viewName)¶
Remove a (display, view) pair including the associated color space (only if not used). Note that the view is always removed but the display is only removed if empty.
ConstProcessorRcPtr GetProcessor(const ConstConfigRcPtr &config, const ConstContextRcPtr &context, const char *workingName, const char *displayName, const char *viewName, const ConstMatrixTransformRcPtr &channelView, TransformDirection direction)¶
- class PyOpenColorIO.LegacyViewingPipeline¶
Whereas the DisplayViewTransform simply applies a specific view from an OCIO display, the LegacyViewingPipeline provides an example of a complete viewing pipeline of the sort that could be used to implement a viewport in a typical application. It therefore adds, around the DisplayViewTransform, various optional color correction steps and RGBA channel view swizzling. The direction of the DisplayViewTranform is used as the direction of the pipeline. Note: The LegacyViewingPipeline class provides the same functionality as the OCIO v1 DisplayTransform.
Legacy viewing pipeline: - Start in display transform input color space. - If linearCC is provided: - Go to scene_linear colorspace. - Apply linearCC transform.
If colorTimingCC is provided:
Go to color_timing colorspace.
Apply colorTimingCC transform.
Apply looks (from display transform or from looks override).
Go to first look color space.
Apply first look transform.
Iterate for all looks.
Apply channelView transform.
Apply display transform (without looks).
Apply displayCC. Note that looks are applied even if the display transform involves data color spaces.
- LegacyViewingPipeline() None ¶
- getChannelView() PyOpenColorIO.Transform ¶
- getColorTimingCC() PyOpenColorIO.Transform ¶
- getDisplayCC() PyOpenColorIO.Transform ¶
- getDisplayViewTransform() PyOpenColorIO.DisplayViewTransform ¶
- getLinearCC() PyOpenColorIO.Transform ¶
- getLooksOverride() str ¶
- getLooksOverrideEnabled() bool ¶
- getProcessor(config: PyOpenColorIO.Config, context: PyOpenColorIO.Context = None) PyOpenColorIO.Processor ¶
- setChannelView(arg0: PyOpenColorIO.Transform) None ¶
- setColorTimingCC(arg0: PyOpenColorIO.Transform) None ¶
- setDisplayCC(arg0: PyOpenColorIO.Transform) None ¶
- setDisplayViewTransform(arg0: PyOpenColorIO.DisplayViewTransform) None ¶
- setLinearCC(arg0: PyOpenColorIO.Transform) None ¶
- setLooksOverride(looks: str) None ¶
A user can optionally override the looks that are, by default, used with the expected display / view combination. A common use case for this functionality is in an image viewing app, where per-shot looks are supported. If for some reason a per-shot look is not defined for the current Context, the Config::getProcessor fcn will not succeed by default. Thus, with this mechanism the viewing app could override to looks = “”, and this will allow image display to continue (though hopefully) the interface would reflect this fallback option.
Looks is a potentially comma (or colon) delimited list of lookNames, where +/- prefixes are optionally allowed to denote forward/inverse look specification (and forward is assumed in the absence of either).
- setLooksOverrideEnabled(arg0: bool) None ¶
Specify whether the lookOverride should be used, or not. This is a separate flag, as it’s often useful to override “looks” to an empty string.
class LegacyViewingPipeline¶
Whereas the DisplayViewTransform simply applies a specific view from an OCIO display, the LegacyViewingPipeline provides an example of a complete viewing pipeline of the sort that could be used to implement a viewport in a typical application. It therefore adds, around the DisplayViewTransform, various optional color correction steps and RGBA channel view swizzling. The direction of the DisplayViewTranform is used as the direction of the pipeline. Note: The LegacyViewingPipeline class provides the same functionality as the OCIO v1 DisplayTransform.
Legacy viewing pipeline:
Start in display transform input color space.
If linearCC is provided:
Go to scene_linear colorspace.
Apply linearCC transform.
If colorTimingCC is provided:
Go to color_timing colorspace.
Apply colorTimingCC transform.
Apply looks (from display transform or from looks override).
Go to first look color space.
Apply first look transform.
Iterate for all looks.
Apply channelView transform.
Apply display transform (without looks).
Apply displayCC. Note that looks are applied even if the display transform involves data color spaces.
Public Functions
virtual ConstDisplayViewTransformRcPtr getDisplayViewTransform() const noexcept = 0¶
virtual void setDisplayViewTransform(const ConstDisplayViewTransformRcPtr &dt) noexcept = 0¶
virtual ConstTransformRcPtr getLinearCC() const noexcept = 0¶
virtual void setLinearCC(const ConstTransformRcPtr &cc) noexcept = 0¶
virtual ConstTransformRcPtr getColorTimingCC() const noexcept = 0¶
virtual void setColorTimingCC(const ConstTransformRcPtr &cc) noexcept = 0¶
virtual ConstTransformRcPtr getChannelView() const noexcept = 0¶
virtual void setChannelView(const ConstTransformRcPtr &transform) noexcept = 0¶
virtual ConstTransformRcPtr getDisplayCC() const noexcept = 0¶
virtual void setDisplayCC(const ConstTransformRcPtr &cc) noexcept = 0¶
virtual void setLooksOverrideEnabled(bool enable) = 0¶
Specify whether the lookOverride should be used, or not. This is a separate flag, as it’s often useful to override “looks” to an empty string.
virtual bool getLooksOverrideEnabled() const = 0¶
virtual void setLooksOverride(const char *looks) = 0¶
A user can optionally override the looks that are, by default, used with the expected display / view combination. A common use case for this functionality is in an image viewing app, where per-shot looks are supported. If for some reason a per-shot look is not defined for the current Context, the Config::getProcessor fcn will not succeed by default. Thus, with this mechanism the viewing app could override to looks = “”, and this will allow image display to continue (though hopefully) the interface would reflect this fallback option.
Looks is a potentially comma (or colon) delimited list of lookNames, where +/- prefixes are optionally allowed to denote forward/inverse look specification (and forward is assumed in the absence of either).
virtual const char *getLooksOverride() const = 0¶
virtual ConstProcessorRcPtr getProcessor(const ConstConfigRcPtr &config, const ConstContextRcPtr &context) const = 0¶
virtual ConstProcessorRcPtr getProcessor(const ConstConfigRcPtr &config) const = 0¶
LegacyViewingPipeline(const LegacyViewingPipeline&) = delete¶
LegacyViewingPipeline &operator=(const LegacyViewingPipeline&) = delete¶
virtual ~LegacyViewingPipeline() = default¶
Do not use (needed only for pybind11).
Public Static Functions
static LegacyViewingPipelineRcPtr Create()¶
std::ostream &OpenColorIO_v2_2::operator<<(std::ostream&, const LegacyViewingPipeline&)¶
typedef std::shared_ptr<const LegacyViewingPipeline> OpenColorIO_v2_2::ConstLegacyViewingPipelineRcPtr¶
typedef std::shared_ptr<LegacyViewingPipeline> OpenColorIO_v2_2::LegacyViewingPipelineRcPtr¶
class MixingSlider¶
The MixingSlider and MixingColorSpaceManager classes are to help applications implement correct color pickers. The term “color mixing” is used here to describe what is done in a typical application “color picker” user interface.
A user may want to mix colors in different color spaces. The two most common mixing space options are a scene-linear working space or the display space.
Since scene-linear color spaces are not perceptually uniform, it is necessary to compensate UI widgets such as sliders. For example, it is nice if mid-gray falls near the center of mixing controls rather than way over near the black end. This may be done by using a mapping from linear into an approximately perceptually uniform space.
Also note that a color picking/mixing UI may want to present a given color space in several different encodings. The most common two encodings for color mixing are RGB and HSV.
Note that these helpers anticipate that a user may want to mix colors using values that extend outside the typical [0,1] domain.
Public Functions
virtual void setSliderMinEdge(float sliderMixingMinEdge) noexcept = 0¶
Set the minimum edge of a UI slider for conversion to mixing space.
virtual float getSliderMinEdge() const noexcept = 0¶
Minimum edge of a UI slider for conversion to mixing space.
virtual void setSliderMaxEdge(float sliderMixingMaxEdge) noexcept = 0¶
Set the maximum edge of a UI slider for conversion to mixing space.
virtual float getSliderMaxEdge() const noexcept = 0¶
Maximum edge of a UI slider for conversion to mixing space.
virtual float sliderToMixing(float sliderUnits) const noexcept = 0¶
Convert from units in distance along the slider to mixing space units.
virtual float mixingToSlider(float mixingUnits) const noexcept = 0¶
Convert from mixing space units to distance along the slider.
MixingSlider(const MixingSlider&) = delete¶
MixingSlider &operator=(const MixingSlider&) = delete¶
virtual ~MixingSlider() = default¶
Do not use (needed only for pybind11).
virtual void setSliderMinEdge(float sliderMixingMinEdge) noexcept = 0¶
std::ostream &OpenColorIO_v2_2::operator<<(std::ostream&, const MixingSlider&)¶
class MixingColorSpaceManager¶
Used to mix (or pick/choose) colors.
Public Functions
virtual size_t getNumMixingSpaces() const noexcept = 0¶
Access to the mixing spaces.
virtual const char *getMixingSpaceUIName(size_t idx) const = 0¶
virtual size_t getSelectedMixingSpaceIdx() const noexcept = 0¶
virtual void setSelectedMixingSpaceIdx(size_t idx) = 0¶
virtual void setSelectedMixingSpace(const char *mixingSpace) = 0¶
virtual bool isPerceptuallyUniform() const noexcept = 0¶
virtual size_t getNumMixingEncodings() const noexcept = 0¶
Access to the mixing encodings.
virtual const char *getMixingEncodingName(size_t idx) const = 0¶
virtual size_t getSelectedMixingEncodingIdx() const noexcept = 0¶
virtual void setSelectedMixingEncodingIdx(size_t idx) = 0¶
virtual void setSelectedMixingEncoding(const char *mixingEncoding) = 0¶
virtual void refresh(ConstConfigRcPtr config) = 0¶
Refresh the instance (i.e. needed following a configuration change for example).
virtual ConstProcessorRcPtr getProcessor(const char *workingName, const char *displayName, const char *viewName, TransformDirection direction) const = 0¶
virtual MixingSlider &getSlider() noexcept = 0¶
virtual MixingSlider &getSlider(float sliderMixingMinEdge, float sliderMixingMaxEdge) noexcept = 0¶
MixingColorSpaceManager(const MixingColorSpaceManager&) = delete¶
MixingColorSpaceManager &operator=(const MixingColorSpaceManager&) = delete¶
virtual ~MixingColorSpaceManager() = default¶
Do not use (needed only for pybind11).
Public Static Functions
static MixingColorSpaceManagerRcPtr Create(ConstConfigRcPtr &config)¶
virtual size_t getNumMixingSpaces() const noexcept = 0¶
std::ostream &OpenColorIO_v2_2::operator<<(std::ostream&, const MixingColorSpaceManager&)¶
typedef std::shared_ptr<const MixingColorSpaceManager> OpenColorIO_v2_2::ConstMixingColorSpaceManagerRcPtr¶
typedef std::shared_ptr<MixingColorSpaceManager> OpenColorIO_v2_2::MixingColorSpaceManagerRcPtr¶