


This section is a list of the scene-referred colorspaces in the config. A colorspace may be referred to elsewhere within the config (including other colorspace definitions), and are used within OCIO-supporting applications.

A colorspace may use the following keys:

to_scene_reference and from_scene_reference

These keys specify the transforms that define the relationship between the colorspace and the scene-referred reference space.

Note: In OCIO v1, the keys to_reference and from_reference were used (since there was only one reference space). These are still supported as synonyms.

Here is a example of a very simple colorspaces section, modified from the spi-vfx example config:

  - !<ColorSpace>
    name: lnf
    bitdepth: 32f
    description: |
      lnf : linear show space

  - !<ColorSpace>
    name: lg16
    bitdepth: 16ui
    description: |
      lg16 : conversion from film log
    to_scene_reference: !<FileTransform> {src: lg16_to_lnf.spi1d, interpolation: nearest}

First the lnf colorspace (short for linear float) is used as our reference colorspace. The name can be anything, but the idea of a reference colorspace is an important convention within OCIO: all other colorspaces are defined as transforms either to or from this colorspace.

The lg16 colorspace is a 16-bit log colorspace (see spi-vfx for an explanation of this colorspace). It has a name, a bit-depth and a description.

The lg16 colorspace is defined as a transform from lg16 to the reference colorspace (lnf). That transform is to apply the LUT lg16_to_lnf.spi1d. This LUT has an input of lg16 integers and outputs linear 32-bit float values

Since the 1D LUT is automatically invertable by OCIO, we can use this colorspace both to convert lg16 images to lnf, and lnf images to lg16

Importantly, because of the reference colorspace concept, we can convert images from lg16 to the reference colorspace, and then on to any other colorspace.

Here is another example colorspace, which is defined using from_scene_reference.

- !<ColorSpace>
  name: srgb8
  bitdepth: 8ui
  description: |
    srgb8 :rgb display space for the srgb standard.
  from_scene_reference: !<FileTransform> {src: srgb8.spi3d, interpolation: linear}

We use from_scene_reference here because we have a LUT which transforms from the reference colorspace (lnf in this example) to sRGB.

In this case srgb8.spi3d is a complex 3D LUT which cannot be inverted, so it is considered a “display only” colorspace. If we did have a second 3D LUT to apply the inverse transform, we can specify both to_scene_reference and from_scene_reference

- !<ColorSpace>
  name: srgb8
  bitdepth: 8ui
  description: |
    srgb8 :rgb display space for the srgb standard.
  from_scene_reference: !<FileTransform> {src: lnf_to_srgb8.spi3d, interpolation: linear}
  to_scene_reference: !<FileTransform> {src: srgb8_to_lnf.spi3d, interpolation: linear}

Using multiple transforms

The previous example colorspaces all used a single transform each, however it is often useful to use multiple transforms to define a colorspace.

- !<ColorSpace>
  name: srgb8
  bitdepth: 8ui
  description: |
    srgb8 :rgb display space for the srgb standard.
  from_scene_reference: !<GroupTransform>
      - !<ColorSpaceTransform> {src: lnf, dst: lg16}
      - !<FileTransform> {src: lg16_to_srgb8.spi3d, interpolation: linear}

Here to get from the reference colorspace, we first use the ColorSpaceTransform to convert from lnf to lg16, then apply our 3D LUT on the log-encoded images.

This primarily demonstrates the meta-transform GroupTransform: a transform which simply composes two or more transforms together into one. Anything that accepts a transform like FileTransform or CDLTransform will also accept a GroupTransform

It is also worth noting the ColorSpaceTransform, which transforms between lnf and lg16 colorspaces (which are defined within the current config).

Example transform steps

This section explains how OCIO internally applies all the transforms. It can be skipped over if you understand how the reference colorspace works.

  - !<ColorSpace>
    name: lnf
    bitdepth: 32f
    description: |
      lnf : linear show space

  - !<ColorSpace>
    name: lg16
    bitdepth: 16ui
    description: |
      lg16 : conversion from film log
    to_scene_reference: !<FileTransform> {src: lg16.spi1d, interpolation: nearest}

  - !<ColorSpace>
    name: srgb8
    bitdepth: 8ui
    description: |
      srgb8 :rgb display space for the srgb standard.
    from_scene_reference: !<GroupTransform>
        - !<ColorSpaceTransform> {src: lnf, dst: lg16}
        - !<FileTransform> {src: lg16_to_srgb8.spi3d, interpolation: linear}

To explain how this all ties together to display an image, say we have an image in the lnf colorspace (e.g. a linear EXR) and wish to convert it to srgb8 - the transform steps are:

  • ColorSpaceTransform is applied, converting from lnf to lg16

  • The FileTransform is applied, converting from lg16 to srgb8.

A more complex example: we have an image in the lg16 colorspace, and convert to srgb8 (using the lg16 definition from earlier, or the spi-vfx config):

First OCIO converts from lg16 to the reference space, using the transform defined in lg16’s to_scene_reference:

  • FileTransform applies the lg16.spi1d

With the image now in the reference space, srgb8’s transform is applied:

  • ColorSpaceTransform to transform from lnf to lg16

  • FileTransform applies the lg16_to_srgb8.spi3d LUT.


OCIO has an transform optimizer which removes redundant steps, and combines similar transforms into one operation.

In the previous example, the complete transform chain would be “lg16 -> lnf, lnf -> lg16, lg16 -> srgb8”. However the optimizer will reduce this to “lg16 -> srgb”.


Optional. Specify how color space values are numerically encoded.

It is very helpful for applications to be able to know the basic type of encoding of a color space. For example, it is well known that the performance of various types of image processing algorithms varies based on the type of encoding. Applying a spatial filter to a scene-linear image gives a different subjective result than if applied to the same image encoded in a log color space. Likewise certain algorithms such as keying or tracking may assume that the color encoding is roughly perceptually uniform and thus may have difficulties with scene-linear images.

The allowed values and definitions are:

scene-linear – A scene-referred encoding where the numeric representation is proportional to scene luminance. Examples: ACES2065-1, ACEScg.

display-linear – A display-referred encoding where the numeric representation is proportional to display luminance. Example: CIE XYZ values measured off of a display or projection screen.

log – A scene-referred encoding where the numeric representation is roughly proportional to the logarithm of scene-luminance (often with some divergence in the shadows as with most camera log encodings). Examples: ACEScct, ACEScc, ARRI LogC, Sony S-Log3/S-Gamut3.

sdr-video – A display-referred encoding where the numeric representation is proportional to an SDR video signal. Examples: Rec.709/Rec.1886 video, sRGB.

hdr-video – A display-referred encoding where the numeric representation is proportional to an HDR video signal. Examples: Rec.2100/PQ or Rec.2100/HLG.

data – A non-color channel. Note that typically such a color space would also have the isdata attribute set to true. Examples: alpha, normals, Z-depth.


Optional. Default: 32f

Specify an appropriate bit-depth for the colorspace, and applications can use this to automatically output images in the correct bit-depth.

Valid options are:

  • 8ui

  • 10ui

  • 12ui

  • 14ui

  • 16ui

  • 32ui

  • 16f

  • 32f

The number is in bits. ui stands for unsigned integer. f stands for floating point.


- !<ColorSpace>
  name: srgb8
  bitdepth: 8ui

  from_scene_reference: [...]


Optional. Default: false. Boolean.

The isdata key on a colorspace informs OCIO that this colorspace is used for non-color data channels, such as the “normals” output of a a multipass 3D render.

Here is example “non-color” colorspace from the spi-vfx config:

- !<ColorSpace>
  name: ncf
  family: nc
  bitdepth: 32f
  description: |
    ncf :nc,Non-color used to store non-color data such as depth or surface normals
  isdata: true
  allocation: uniform



If two colorspaces are in the “equality group”, transforms between them are considered non-operations.

You might have multiple colorspaces which are identical, but operate at different bit-depths.

For example, see the lg10 and lg16 colorspaces in the spi-vfx config. If loading a lg10 image and converting to lg16, no transform is required. This is of course faster, but may cause an unexpected increase in precision (e.g. it skip potential clamping caused by a LUT)

- !<ColorSpace>
  name: lg16
  equalitygroup: lg
  bitdepth: 16ui
  to_scene_reference: !<FileTransform> {src: lg16.spi1d, interpolation: nearest}

- !<ColorSpace>
  name: lg10
  equalitygroup: lg
  bitdepth: 10ui
  to_scene_reference: !<FileTransform> {src: lg10.spi1d, interpolation: nearest}
Do not put different colorspaces in the same equality group. For

logical grouping of “similar” colorspaces, use the family option.



Allows for logical grouping of colorspaces within a UI.

For example, a series of “log” colorspaces could be put in one “family”. Within a UI like the Nuke OCIOColorSpace node, these will be grouped together.

The Menu Helpers API allows applications to build hierarchical menus for color spaces based on the family key. The family_separator key of the config is used to define the character used to separate the family string into tokens.

family_separator: /

  - !<ColorSpace>
    name: ACME_log4
    family: Log/Cameras/ACME
    equalitygroup: ACME_log4

  - !<ColorSpace>
    name: ACEScct
    family: Log/ACES
    equalitygroup: ACEScct

  - !<ColorSpace>
    name: Rec.709
    family: Video/Broadcast/SDR
    equalitygroup: Rec.709

Unlike equalitygroup, the family has no impact on image processing.



The aliases key is used to define alternate names for the colorspace. For example, it may be useful to define a shorter version of the name that is easier to include in texture path names. Or it may be necessary to define an older version of the name for the color space for backwards compatibility.

aliases: [shortName, obsoleteName]

allocation and allocationvars


These two options were used in OCIO v1 when transforms were applied on the GPU. However, the new GPU renderer in OCIO v2 does not need these.

However, they may still be used to automatically generate a “shaper LUT” when baking LUT’s unless one is explicitly specified (not all output formats utilise this)

For a detailed description, see How to Configure ColorSpace Allocation

Example of a “0-1” colorspace

allocation: uniform
allocationvars: [0.0, 1.0]
allocation: lg2
allocationvars: [-15, 6]



A human-readable description of the colorspace.

The YAML syntax allows for either single-line descriptions:

- !<ColorSpace>
  name: kodaklog
  description: A concise description of the kodaklog colorspace.

Or multiple-lines:

- !<ColorSpace>
  name: kodaklog
    This is a multi-line description of the kodaklog colorspace,
    to demonstrate the YAML syntax for doing so.

    Here is the second line. The first one will be unwrapped into
    a single line, as will this one.

It’s common to use literal | block syntax to preserve all newlines:

- !<ColorSpace>
  name: kodaklog
  description: |
    This is one line.
    This is the second.

Display Colorspaces



This section is a list of all the display-referred colorspaces in the config. A display colorspace is very similar to a colorspace except its transforms go from or to the display-referred reference space rather than the scene-referred reference space.

A display colorspace may use all the same keys as a colorspace except it uses to_display_reference and from_display_reference rather than to_scene_reference and from_scene_reference to specify its transforms.


  - !<ColorSpace>
    name: sRGB
    description: |
      sRGB monitor (piecewise EOTF)
    isdata: false
    categories: [ file-io ]
    encoding: sdr-video
    from_display_reference: !<GroupTransform>
        - !<BuiltinTransform> {style: "DISPLAY - CIE-XYZ-D65_to_sRGB"}
        - !<RangeTransform> {min_in_value: 0., min_out_value: 0., max_in_value: 1., max_out_value: 1.}